Reseller FAQ

Is there any cost to becoming a reseller of Logicity? cost at all.

What is the commission structure?

We have tried to keep the program as simple as possible. You receive a 30% discount on the licenses that you purchase through the website.  

What is the Logicity license purchase process?

Logicity software licenses can be purchased through the website with a credit card or purchase order number. Within an hour of placing the order, a license file will be automatically generated and emailed to you. This license contains the license name and a license key. The end user simply uses this text to register their installation of Logicity. Once the registration is complete the professional features inside of Logicity will unlock.

What kind of sales and technical support can I get as a reseller?

As a reseller we would be available to answer general technical and support questions. When it comes to troubleshooting a specific customer technical problem we would initially provide you with 2 technical support incidents. Then you could earn an additional support incident for every 10 Logicity licenses that you sell. In both cases our support staff would be available Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM EST to 5:00 PM EST. We can be reached in the following ways:

How can I test and evaluate Logicity Professional?

We will provide you with a single Logicity Professional license code that is only to be used for your own internal use, customer testing and evaluation.

Sounds good. What do I need to do sign-up?

In order to sign-up, we will need the following:

  • Signed copy of the Logicity Reseller Agreement

Once you are ready to go, send us an e-mail and we will forward those documents to you.